Manunet Consortium Agreement

The coordinator should complete the web tool on behalf of the entire consortium and submit the proposal. Therefore, only one online proposal per project is required. Only proposals submitted to THE CADRE before the closing of the appeal are considered for evaluation. As a general rule, changes to the objectives, consortium costs or project costs of the preliminary proposal are not permitted in the full proposal (unless they are agreed and approved by the funding agencies). Any further changes from the original proposal to the full proposal must first be confirmed and approved by the relevant support organisations. Content of the full online proposal: the full proposal contains the following sections: summary, description of the consortium, description of the work, calculation of costs and results and valuation. Further details are expected with detailed explanations. The full proposal provides an overview of the entire project and describes all national parts of the project. Managing a change of partner in accordance with regional and national rules; Funding requires a consortium agreement between the project partners (after a final funding decision). The objective of the consortium agreement is to clarify the issue: submission: in the first phase (compulsory for all candidates), the project coordinator must submit electronically a preliminary proposal on the CADRE: https:” The application procedure MANUNET will take place in two stages. Proposals must be produced and submitted electronically via the MANUNET electronic mailing system (ESS), which is available at The MANUNET application process takes place in two stages. Proposals must be drafted and submitted electronically via the MANUNET (ESS) electronic submission system, which is available

For more information on the bidding process, please see the following link: contents of the online form prior to the proposal: the pre-proposal form briefly covers the summary, the description of the consortium, project revenues, cost calculations, results and operation. The preliminary proposal provides an overview of the entire project. A more detailed description of the online model prior to the proposal can be provided in the CADRE user manual. Consortia must be composed of at least 2 separate legal entities belonging to 2, in order to ensure an adequate balance between the requested and available national/regional budgets, all funding agencies are invited to avoid oversubscription in the full phase of the proposal, which exceeds factor 2.5. 2 For more information, please contact your regional/national contact. The pre-proposal phase will be used to ensure that only quality proposals meeting national/regional requirements are invited to the full proposal phase: during the first phase, funding agencies will check the provisional quality of the proposals. Project monitoring: In the full ES proposal form, project coordinators must agree to provide the data needed to monitor the project, both during the implementation of the project and after the end of the project. 2 Over-script factor: the ratio between the total amount requested by all applicants from a particular country or region and the amount available to the funding agency concerned in this appeal. MANUNET funds transnational manufacturing research projects through coordinated calls from participating regional and national governments.